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  • Limp Lampshades
  • October 13, 2020
  • Monica Duggan

Has your lampshade ever let you down? In this Covid era of Zoom meetings and Skype dinners, a limp lampshade doesn’t set your background alight or send out the professional image you were hoping to portray.

This is a common problem but one that bewilders the most discerning of customers. So why won’t your lampshade sit up and behave? Well because it’s too large. No, your shade didn’t put on the Covid stone, it was simply made in the EU and is incompatible with your lamp holder (the part that holds the bulb) which was most probably made in the UK.

So how do we solve this problem of apparent incompatibility and bring these two together? Well, we use something called a spacer – no not that college friend who spent all day under a haze of smoke – a small metal ring that fills the gap so to speak!

The Spacer.

It’s as simple as that, so simple that most of us don’t know these elusive creatures exist and spend all day trying not to glare at a crooked lampshade and send our OCD into overdrive!

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  • Design,Tips
  • floor lamp, hints, Lampshades, pendant light, reducer, spacer, table lamp, tricks

About Monica Duggan

Monica grew up with a screwdriver & bulb in her hands before she started to 'hassle' the boss! After gallivanting around the world & getting an education she worked in all areas of the business, and was a natural fit for developing Willie Duggan further. She does her best thinking struggling up a mountain, hiking a trail or beating herself up in the gym!

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