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  • July 27, 2020
  • Helena Duggan

Question 1; I’m looking for a pendant for my living room that will allow me enough light to read, any ideas?

So we are running a weekly Q&A since COVID lockdown which has proved very popular. We get a number of the same questions week on week, so we thought we would answer some of the most popular here. It seems many of us have the same issues when it comes to lighting our homes.

Willie answered the question above in one of our first sessions. So let’s look at it again, is pendant lighting enough when it comes to reading in the living room?

The simple answer is no. Think of a pendant as a piece of art – we often call them decorative fittings. They add the wow factor to a room. However they are not just all fluff and feathers, pendant lighting can also add warmth and atmosphere so I wouldn’t dismiss them as unnecessary in a living space.

When it comes to reading, especially in a living room, four recessed downlighters switched on a separate circuit to the rest of your lighting can often do the trick. I’d suggest laying them out in a square pattern around the room. A tip – don’t overdo the downlighters, or you may have to wear sunglasses while sitting on your couch!

Table lamps and floor lamps can often do the trick too, especially those with bendable heads so you can really direct the light. They can also be used as decorative pieces adding colour and atmosphere to a room.

Valentia Table Lamp https://willieduggan.com/product/valentina/

Hope this article helps give a little direction. Please contact us if you have anything specific you’d like to go through or follow us on @willie_duggan on Instagram.

Willies Q&A goes out every Wednesday at 7 so get your questions in!

  • Uncategorized
  • Design, Floor Light, Lighting, Living Space Lighting, recessed lighting, Table Light

About Helena Duggan

Helena is our Creative Director and a stickler for Gotham medium and Pantone 021 on all things Willie Duggan. In her spare time she's a children's writer. Her first book A Place Called Perfect was published to great success in August 2017.

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